Monday, June 1, 2009


This is my attempt at being introspective, it should be entertaining!

This past weekend I went to a very close family friend's high school graduation. I only graduated from high school last year, but it oddly seems like a whole lifetime ago. It is so interesting to see that the speeches, traditions, feelings and sentiments are all so similar, no matter what year or school. I remember all the anxious excitement I had for the next chapter I was about to embark on. Luckily, I feel like I can say that this past year has really surpassed my expectations. I think that I have changed in a good way, along with my friends and peers around me.

Once you reach graduation, you kind of wonder how you got there, with this feeling of "didn't I just start my freshman year?" So, being at my friend's graduation ceremony really reminded me to enjoy college lasts, because before I know it, it will be over, just like high school.