Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hello Hello

So, I've decided to try and use this as a way to keep up with the fam. now! This is no longer a class assignment so let's see how well I keep this up :) I think I'm going to try and use this mainly as a way to share pictures with everyone. 

First off, thank you so much mom, Aunt Juli, Michael and Nanny for helping move in and beautify my apartment!! I'm pretty sure Ciara and I have the nicest apartment of anyone we know, and all our friends are so jealous! 

Sorority life has been great so far, Bid day turned out really cute, and we seem to have a bunch of great new girls! 
 These are some of the girls who I worked in the kitchen with during rush. Chelsea, Hannah, me, and Sarah

 This is my little gamma phi family! Sarah, my twin, and Caroline, our big. On some thursdays we have "socials" with the different fraternities. The first one this year was "I'm on a boat" themed after the SNL skit by Andy Samburg. 

 Samantha and I were sailors :) we're also sharing a little, she's so sweet, her name is Alex. For the big/lil "reveal" we had a scavenger hunt. Everyone dresses up in matching costumes and the bigs hide while the littles follow clues around the house to find you. We were the 3 blind mice, but Sam couldn't be there so Caroline filled in. 

 Some of the new bigs waiting for our littles!

 Waiting on the new additions to our family! (Sarah is a ladybug by the way)

 New little!!! Alex is so cute! we're just missing Sam :(

 The new and improved "Buddha" family (still minus Sam) me, Caroline, Megan (extended family), Alex, Sarah Morris (Sarah's little), and Sarah. After the big/lil hunt we had a disco themed social, which only a few people dressed up for, but it was still alot of fun because it was our first new family outing!

 Finally found Sam! Our cute family :)

 The whole family, minus Sam's big and Megan's little.

 We found Alicia! Alicia is Kyle's cousin, she cheers with Ciara and Sam, and she and Sam were roommates last year. October 25 is our annual Chili Cook-Off, and all the proceeds go to charity, like UGAMiracle and Relay for Life. So if you want to come or donate anything let me know!!

In between all this there is football!! Kyle came down for our first home game against South Carolina and we tailgated with our friends Taylor and Mitch among others.

Obviously, the boys really love each other. That was such a great game! Unfortunately the Arizona State game was rainy and gross, so i didn't take any pictures but we still won!! and a big shout out to Blue, who let Kyle and I take his tickets for both games! THANK YOU!!

SO, thats the end of my pictures and stories, but I'm sure I'll have more after the LSU game this weekend! Go Dawgs!! I love you all, Lilly

Monday, June 1, 2009


This is my attempt at being introspective, it should be entertaining!

This past weekend I went to a very close family friend's high school graduation. I only graduated from high school last year, but it oddly seems like a whole lifetime ago. It is so interesting to see that the speeches, traditions, feelings and sentiments are all so similar, no matter what year or school. I remember all the anxious excitement I had for the next chapter I was about to embark on. Luckily, I feel like I can say that this past year has really surpassed my expectations. I think that I have changed in a good way, along with my friends and peers around me.

Once you reach graduation, you kind of wonder how you got there, with this feeling of "didn't I just start my freshman year?" So, being at my friend's graduation ceremony really reminded me to enjoy college lasts, because before I know it, it will be over, just like high school.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Let's retire the mullet already

Okay, this is another rant, but everyone can relate. I'm from a more 'country' or 'redneck' town, so I quite often see a myriad of clothing and hair no-no's. This is my plea to everyone to finally rid our society of these fashion don'ts. 
acid wash jeans-they aren't cute, especially if they really are from the 80s.
mullets-there is no such thing as business in the front and party in the back. It's ALL bad!
shoulder pads-if Armani or Versace didn't put them there, they shouldn't be there.
When out in public, sleeves are a must, it isn't sanitary to have sleeve holes that go down past your belly button. If you have been wearing your confederate flag hat since before your child (who is at least in high school) was born, it's time to retire it. None of these horrendous fashion offenses can be defended by lack of cash. I have seen way cuter things at Wal-mart and Goodwill!
I know that together, we can make the world a better and more beautiful place if we just work together to get rid of these 'looks'. Thank you for your help!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Top 5 pick me up movies

Ok, here goes another list! Everyone has their list of favorite movies, but it is so hard to pick just one or two all time favorites. So here's my list of pick me up movies, the ones I can watch over and over and never get sick of, and they always make me happy! 

1. Paris when it Sizzles- you can never go wrong with Audrey Hepburn. 

2. Twilight- I know, I know, BUT in my defense, I love the story and love watching it play out. All those Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings fans have got to know where I'm coming from on this one. 

3. Cinderella-yes the animated one. I will always love this movie, you can never go wrong with a disney fairytale. 

4. Breakfast at Tiffany's- I
 love every Audrey Hepburn movie, (obviously, there's 2 of her movies on my list of 5), and this is just never gets old-like Holly Golightly says, nothing bad ever happens at Tiffany's.

 5. Wedding Crashers- Hilarious, every single time. 

What are the movies that always make you happy?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

music videos

Here are a few new music videos I really like! 

Taking Back Sunday - "Sink Into Me"

Taylor Swift, "You Belong with Me"

Katy Perry, "Waking up in Vegas"

I know my tastes are a little towards the "pop" side, but 'pop' culture is, after all, what most of my posts are about. These are just fun videos for summer. Know of any other good, fun, summer songs/videos?

A little too loving?

Everyone knows that couple who is obnoxiously affectionate, you know, hugging, kissing, whining, baby talk and the like? Personally I don't object to hand-holding, putting your arms around each other, and the occasional peck or 'I love you' when in public, but when couples are full on making out or cooing and baby talking that is uncomfortable for everyone around you! Where is the line drawn as far as PDA goes? I asked two of my guy friends what their opinion was, and this is what they said

What do you think?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So its time for another top 5 list! This week I've noticed a couple things I feel are social faux pas, some in the classroom, some outside. 

1. Eating your lunch in class. I am taking maymester classes, which last about 2 1/2 to 3 hours, so I totally understand getting hungry during class, I myself usually bring a small snack to eat during the breaks the teachers usually give. However, bring a spread of cheese, pitas/crackers, and apples which you spread out over your desk, slice and eat during class is inappropriate! Its rude, unsanitary, and you could eat before class.

2. People who make rude remarks about others in class. I'm not talking about gossip here, I mean those people who sit and talk about how wrong/stupid someone or their opinion is. If you disagree, or think the person is flat out wrong, say something! Contribute to the class discussion, don't just sit there and grumble.                                           

3. Thoughtlessly exposing others to your second-hand smoke. I am a non-smoker, so I know I'm biased, but I feel like exposing others to your cigarette is really rude. I was at a drug-store with a drive-thru recently,  and a woman pulled up to the window with her freshly lit cigarette. The woman just sat at the window blowing smoke into the poor pharmacist's face and into the drugstore. Can't you wait to light up until after you drive off?                                                                                                                      
4. Letting your phone go off at an inappropriate time. You know when you are going to be in a situation where your phone shouldn't go off. Just turn it on silent to begin with!

5. Regifting. If it is something you don't want that someone else will actually use and it is almost new, then go ahead! BUT when it is a gift card that is obviously years old or something that has been opened before, just suck it up and buy a real gift. Unless you just want to piss the receiver off. 

photo from SuperFantastic at flickr