Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So its time for another top 5 list! This week I've noticed a couple things I feel are social faux pas, some in the classroom, some outside. 

1. Eating your lunch in class. I am taking maymester classes, which last about 2 1/2 to 3 hours, so I totally understand getting hungry during class, I myself usually bring a small snack to eat during the breaks the teachers usually give. However, bring a spread of cheese, pitas/crackers, and apples which you spread out over your desk, slice and eat during class is inappropriate! Its rude, unsanitary, and you could eat before class.

2. People who make rude remarks about others in class. I'm not talking about gossip here, I mean those people who sit and talk about how wrong/stupid someone or their opinion is. If you disagree, or think the person is flat out wrong, say something! Contribute to the class discussion, don't just sit there and grumble.                                           

3. Thoughtlessly exposing others to your second-hand smoke. I am a non-smoker, so I know I'm biased, but I feel like exposing others to your cigarette is really rude. I was at a drug-store with a drive-thru recently,  and a woman pulled up to the window with her freshly lit cigarette. The woman just sat at the window blowing smoke into the poor pharmacist's face and into the drugstore. Can't you wait to light up until after you drive off?                                                                                                                      
4. Letting your phone go off at an inappropriate time. You know when you are going to be in a situation where your phone shouldn't go off. Just turn it on silent to begin with!

5. Regifting. If it is something you don't want that someone else will actually use and it is almost new, then go ahead! BUT when it is a gift card that is obviously years old or something that has been opened before, just suck it up and buy a real gift. Unless you just want to piss the receiver off. 

photo from SuperFantastic at flickr


  1. I am totally with you on the second-hand smoke. I have been in so many situations where it seems as though the smoker is completely oblivious to anyone around them. How rude!

    My blog: cat-justagirl.blogspot.com

  2. It is very common in my more rural hometown. Most people don't think about it-or care.

  3. I HATE IT when people bring their freakin' lunch to class. I know exactly what you mean when it comes to the cheese, crackers, and apples…maybe we have had the same person in class? Anyway, I was like, "really? Skank put your crap away."

  4. Thom she said eating "lunch" in class...not breakfast! I think us, our chocolate milk, and biscuits are safe!! :)

    And I'm totally against smoking...I hate it at bus stops especially, where people will light up and then 3 minutes later throw their cigarette on the ground when the bus comes. One creeper actually brought his on the bus and I thought I was going to vomit. The smell gives me a headache like none other!

  5. Dallas, I'm with you on the smoke! and Thom yes, breakfast at the beginning of a 9:30 am class is totally acceptable! I'm talking about people in a 3:30 class, eating in the middle of class!

  6. Elizabeth , I agree with you about the second hand smoke. Smokers are rude. Cell phones ringing when they should be off or on silent is also rude. Eating a spread during class is also rude. So i guess i am just the RUDE police tonight.

  7. Here are some faux pas that drive me absolutely nuts.
    1) Not using your turn signal. They do actually serve a purpose.
    2) Not showering for weeks at a time. Disgusting, right? Yet, I know way too many people who seem to have a phobia of shampoo and soap.
    3) Tipping your waiter and/or bartender poorly. These people make a living off tips. If you are too cheap to tip correctly then eat at home or enjoy a fine dining experience at your local Wendy's.
